Before all of the process of mitosis interphase happens. Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus of each cell divides to form two nuclei that look the same. It is formed by a continuous process that consists on various stages that include prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Then the rest of the cell division that follows after all of these stages is called cytokinesis. Chromosomes take an important part in the process of mitosis. A chromosome is a structure in the nucleus that contains all of the heredity material.
What happens in Interphase?
First of all interphase happens before mitosis. This step consists that each chromosome duplicates. When the nucleus is ready to divide each one of the chromosome get together tightly into thick, identical strands called ch
First of all interphase happens before mitosis. This step consists that each chromosome duplicates. When the nucleus is ready to divide each one of the chromosome get together tightly into thick, identical strands called ch

What happens in Prophase?
During prophase the nucleus and the nuclear membrane brake up. Two small structures called centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell. Between the centrioles a threadlike spindle of fiber begins to form and stretch across the cell.
What happens in Metaphase?
During metaphase the nuclear membrane disappears completely. The two pairs of centrioles align at opposite poles of the cell. All of the chromosomes move randomly until they attach to the polar fibers from both sides. Chromatids pairs line up in the center of the cell.
What happens in Anaphase?
All four of the sister chromatids separate and the daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. Anaphase begins when the duplicated centromeres of each pair of sister chromatids separate and start to move to opposite poles. When the chromatids reach to opposite poles anaphase is done.

What happens in Telophase?
When the chromatids reach opposite ends telophase starts to happen. The chromosomes begin to uncoil and a nuclear envelope reforms around each chromosome set, the spindle disappears and the nucleolus reforms. The nuclear division is complete by this point.

What happens in Cytokinesis?
During cytokinesis the cytoplasm starts to divide and new cells are formed.

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